Blogging- A therapy

On a Sunday morning, I wake up to the sound of pouring rain and the familiar hammering of a headache. I realise my outing stands cancelled, its pouring cats and dogs. I resign myself to a boring day all by myself stuck at home. I forgot to mention there was no power supply. Oh sheesh! For the first time in life, I am looking forward to a Monday Morning!!

I brew myself a hot cup of coffee, carrying my laptop to the balcony, find a dry corner and settle myself on a cane chair. I log into my blog and am pleasantly surprised and overwhelmed at the responses and comments I’ve been getting for my last post. I take my time reading all of them, smiling to myself, mentally making a note to mail all those who commented.

Absent minded-ly (if there is a word like that!), I click on ‘new post’ and there I start writing… about the idiosyncrasies of life and incidents that make life worth living. About friends and laughter, joy and pain and rainy days like today.

I don’t know how long I’ve been sitting there… My legs have gone numb, my wrists have begun to ache and I think I’ve probably been drinking ice cold coffee. I post my entry and when I get up; my step seems to have gotten a spring in it. Life doesn’t seem all that gloomy and cloudy like the skies above me. Writing seems to have chased my headache away and with it my down trodden spirit.

As I head toward my kitchen, the power supply returns, the rain mellows down and the phone rings (It’s my best friend calling). Déjà vu? I smile to myself. I guess its true after all- Blogging is a wholesome therapy- and sometimes a miracle too!

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Am this really easy go lucky gal with a natural punch to make frens! There's sumthin i'd like to say to all people who've touched my life... Life is beautiful because you bring flavour to it :) Trivia: Cow is a nick name coined by a college friend in Pune... almost 6 years ago. And it stuck like glue :P