Chechi. It means elder sister in Malayalam. Some words have relevance only so far as its meaning would take. But with chechi, it’s different. I didn’t have an older sister. And I have often wondered if I am being an ideal sister for my younger sister. Because I don’t know how I should be! I do my best, but I don’t know if I do it right. And I have always been jealous of friends who have an older brother. Typical Indian movies show the heroine have a rough and tough older brother who’ll pull her out of every scrap, fight with the villain and protect his sister at all times. I must say I was in no such danger. Ever! J But it was a sort of fantasy for me to have an older brother. I never thought about having an older sister… till I got one!
Yes, I have been bestowed upon with an older sister at the age of 21! J Miracle? Oh Yes! When I joined Amrita School of Business on the 17th of June, 2007, I was new to the place, like everybody else. In the initial days, there were huge groups… Often the groups were of people from the same State or who spoke a common language. I did not fit into any of them because I belong to nowhere. Why I belong to nowhere is a totally different story and will have to wait for another day. For now, I shall continue this narration.
As time progressed, I found that the huge groups were getting fragmented into smaller groups… there were cold wars and spite and ill will. I wasn’t a part of this aftermath either. J I was adopted by an intelligent, simple and loving girl. She hung out with me, played with me (yes, little kids do!J ), taught me subjects, watched movies with me, shopped with me, and most importantly, she was always there for me.
She is the one who has mellowed me down. (She probably got some of my short temper! Hehe :P ) She taught me not to think too much. (She does that herself though! :P ) She will ask me to sleep early when I have a class the next morning. (But she herself will sleep at 4 am!J ) She ensures I do my assignments. (Although she volunteers to help me out almost alwaysJ) Her room is always open for me, I know! (Mine is open for her too, but it’s pretty unhygienic… if you know what I mean :P)
I know I have told her in jest many times, but I mean it with all sincerity, she has the world’s best shoulders to cry on. I can only pray to God… not to reduce my troubles, but to make her shoulders strong enough for my crying sessions J :P! She’s strong willed, has a mind of her own, is awesome to hang out with, is smart and witty, emotional at times and very caring. I know whatever troubles I’ve had in the day will be gone when I come to her and speak about them at the end of the day. She is allergic to gossip, does not talk ill about anybody till I do. J Even that she mostly only listens. She is always hopeful and optimistic. She’s obsessed with cleaning her room. I offered her options to extend her services to my room, which she bluntly refused… every time! J :D
There are some things that I’m most comfortable doing only when she is around. Like talking in Malayalam! J Try as I might, I always struggle and fumble to talk with anybody else in Malayalam :P. I take all sorts of mad pictures only with her around. Nobody understands my madness like her. She totally understands… that I’m mad! J That is because she is too! Hehe J. I like packing for home only when she’s sitting in my room. She’s a nicer reminder of things than little notes on my cupboard! J I like going for long walks in the evening with her by my side. Not only do I enjoy her company but it also reminds me sometimes of my own younger sister and the times we had exploring new streets and lanes back home. J I like sipping hot coffee in the evenings when she is around. I think the coffee somehow tastes better when her jokes are in the air! J
Now when I look back, I am a little scared. Of many things. I know she has always been there for me, but have I been there for her? I know she always advices me right, but have I advised her right always? She helped me see right from wrong. Have I learnt it well? She mellowed my temper down. Have I, unknowingly and unintentionally made her an angry person? It really scares me. For all that she’s been for me and done for me, I feel I have not reciprocated enough. I probably took her for granted sometimes. But I don’t know how to make it up. No, nothing is wrong now. All is fine. But I wish I had been a better younger sister! It was a new role for me! So I guess I should be given some allowances for the new job profile… :P And I don’t care for an older brother now. An older sister is so much fun to have… I am truly lucky to have her in my life. There are some people we wish we had known earlier in life. She is one such person… I feel I wasted 20 odd years not knowing her! But tell you what, knowing her is what matters! And I do now! I have my own chechi now. My Ani chechi. I love her so much and would do everything in my capacity to keep her happy. I will always wish the best for her and will try to be at least half of what she has been for me! If I fail in that regard, I can only ask for forgiveness…